Please register to join fellow alumni in the investment world on June 25 as part of a Global Conference co-hosted with 361Firm focused on “Recovery” perspectives. After the morning (9am-12pm) session, we begin our Alumni Connecting! module with a diverse “Panel of Notables" followed by Roundtables by various alumni groups for interactive networking.


The Alumni Connecting! platforms have hosted 100+ events in 40+ cities and 15 countries. Now via web, the focus remains on professional networking where all introduce themselves and share ASKs as to how your alumni group(s) can help. 

We will send you the new event password once you register by filling out the form below and (until we roll out our App next month) by paying to the right. The first 20 registrants pay $10, then $20 for the next 80 and $40 thereafter, with 50% of all proceeds going to one or more charities aimed at recovery activities in response to COVID-19.

You can acquire your ticket via the link and by filling out the form below and (if you haven’t already) by Onboarding at Each participant’s RSVP is subject to review as we reserve the right to exclude anyone who in the past has not been respectfully participating. If you aren’t accepted, we will refund 100%. If after the event, you don’t feel that you received the value paid for any reason, we will refund 50% (the portion not going to charity).

If you’d like to join the 3-hour Global Web Conference on the "Recovery" at 9am-12pm (just before the AC! event), we offer AC! registrants a 50% discount (which you can request by emailing, and we will send it immediately). You can register for that event at

Alumni Connecting! July 30 Networking Conference
from $20.00
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